School Schedule
School and Office Hours
- Fairview’s instructional hours are from 9:10 am-3:40 pm
- Students must not be on the school grounds or in the school building before 8:55 am, unless they are part of a school-sponsored club. There is no adult supervision in the buildings before 8:55 am.
- The school office is staffed from 8:45 am until 4:00 pm. A voicemail system can be reached at 513-363-2100 during off hours and messages can be left regarding absences or emergencies.
Am Drop Off
- Drop-off time is between 8:55 and 9:10. Doors close at 9:10 and instruction begins.
- Students should enter the main doors of the school and proceed to the cafeteria for breakfast or their classroom.
Students will be dismissed from school at 3:40 pm. The building will close at 3:55 pm.
Please see the map below for pick-up and drop-off times.
Teachers, paraprofessionals, and student helpers will escort students to the following locations:
Car Line |
Cafeteria |
Gymnasium |
After School Programs/Day Care |
Main Lobby |
Walkers |
Kindergarten Playground |
Bus |
Front Drive |
- Breakfast is FREE for every student at Fairview.
- Students eat lunch for free daily. For this to occur, all families must apply for free/reduced lunch using the link: Lunch Application.
- Breakfast begins at 8:55 am every school day.
- Every student has a 45-minute lunch period, with 20 minutes devoted to recess and 20 devoted to dining.
Outside Food
- Family members are welcome to eat with the student (s) in the office. Students will not be allowed to utilize DoorDash or food delivery services for lunches. If a student forgets their lunch they will be provided with a hot lunch for free.
Students are expected to be at school on time each day. Call the office to report your child’s absence that day.
Snow Days
School closings will be announced on the radio and television stations. Automated phone calls are placed and information will also be posted on our district website.
Fairvew has developed a code of behaviors and expectations which complies with Cincinnati Board of Education policies. The information will be available in the Student and Parent Handbook.
We welcome visits from parents, guardians, and prospective families who would like a tour or to visit the classroom. Visitors are always welcome at Fairview-Clifton German Language School. To schedule a visit, please call the front office at 513-363-2100 or email the teacher to schedule a visit.
Visitors must be announced and permitted to visit classrooms before leaving the main office. All visitors and volunteers MUST sign in at the school office. All campus doors will remain locked to maintain a safe environment for our students and staff. As you visit, please respect the academic focus in the classrooms. When you leave the office, it is expected that you will go directly to the classroom you are visiting. You may only visit other classrooms after returning to the office and allowing the office staff to notify that classroom.
Tours are available on select Thursdays and must be scheduled in advance. To schedule a tour, stop by our main office or call us at 513-363-2100.