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Get Involved

Families are Embraced

Fairview-Clifton German Language School has a long tradition of parent involvement. By staying engaged in your child's progress or even volunteering your time and talents, you are not only helping to support and strengthen our community, you are teaching our children the value of giving back while modeling personal growth and how one contributes to community and society.

Learn more about how to get involved with CPS schools.

Family Involvement

Families can begin encouraging the education of their children by showing that they truly value education and respect the staff at their student's school.

Some of the ways that parents, caregivers and grandparents can become involved are:

  • Helping your child with homework, especially reading together
  • Joining committees that help decide school issues (LSDMC, ILT, PTO)
  • Giving time to the school, classroom or library

Small Contributions That Make a Big Difference

GEBAS is a non-profit organization made up of Fairview-Clifton German Language School Parents. The goal of GEBAS is to support the school community with time, talent, and funds. GEBAS is open to all parents, as it takes a village. There are many ways that our families and community members can have a positive impact in our classrooms. Contributing to GEBAS in a myriad of ways enables our school and our support organizations to stretch their resources further. The result: More enriching opportunities for our students that promote academic success and healthy choices!

Contributions like time, energy, and morale are just as valuable as financial support. Getting involved in events and causes that GEBAS brings to our school community's attention only benefits our students.